Clear Definitions Understood Through Interesting Activity of Wordwall

Learning Language with Wordwall!

Traditional classes tend to focus on textbooks and teachers' paper materials. With the popularization of information communication technology, the combination of network, games and teaching has gradually become a trend. Here, I am going to introduce a funny online platform for classroom teahing. If you would like to visit it, just click the Wordwall



What is Wordwall?

It's online platform where teachers operate input teaching materials, combined with the provided template can generate a variety of language teaching activities. Generally, it is suitable for design of close-ended questions.The generated activities can be conducted online or printed out by teachers as handouts and  give out to students. As you see on the left, there are many forms of template available for teachers to choose. And the following is an instruction video for how to use Wordwall.


How to use Wordwall? 

The following is the instruction for use of Wordwall.


Cons πŸ˜”and Pros πŸ˜€of Wordwall


Referring to What is Wordrwall, we can see that the tool is based on the cognitive approach, whose central principle is that language learning is rule-guided cognitive behavior rather than hatbit formation. This technology tool is only applicable to close-ended questions; it only focus on language forms and simple concept checking, which is lack of  flexibility for the four skills of language.


As for me, it is very useful for students to understand with and teachers to check the concept of some very hard-to-understand definitions. When I teach terminology in the fields, I think it plays the best role. Just take a look at the picture: 
To test the definition, I set four terms and students are required to drag the key words in definitions to the blanks that under the terms. It is efficient for students to grab the main informations and clear about the terms in ways of graphics.
Definitely, this can be an effective tool for language forms learning. Just use it to design your activity and quiz! πŸ‘πŸ’ͺ




  1. Hey, Mona. Wordwall seems to be a very useful tool to use with my students. I will give it a try. Thanks for sharing. Also, the video you embedded is very informative. Congrats!

  2. Hi Mona. Personally speaking, I think Wordwall is a very helpful tool to check students' understanding of concepts, like you said. Maybe I can try that in my next peer teaching!

  3. Hi mona, thank you for your blog! After reading it, I learnt a really useful tool——Wordwall! I'll try to use it in my future teaching~


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